
Hubbard Life Equine Nutrition is more than a feed. It is a comprehensive feed and supplement program formulated to meet the nutritional needs of individual horses by providing unparalleled quality in the form of state-of-the-art specialized formulations.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

$25 off/Ton

Check your Bins!!!!...
Only a few days left to take advantage of our $25 off/Ton bulk or bagged Hubbard Life Equine Feeds. Also can be used with Frequent Buyer Card!

Offer Expires November 30, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Please Vote for local feed store...Hueber Feeds, LLC

Please vote for Hueber Feed, LLC category #32 for Best Independent Feed Store/Manufacturer



Carbohydrate levels in Equine Nutrition

Carbohydrates are an important part of every horse’s diet. They are found in almost all the food your horse eats, including forages, and grains. There are a number of different types of              carbohydrates in horse feed and they vary considerably in how well horses digest and utilize each one. The one that has the most attention is non-structural carbohydrates (NSC).

Non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) are those that occur either as simple sugars in the horse’s feed or that can be broken down by enzymes produced by the horse. Included in this category are     glucose and fructose, lactose, sucrose and starch. They range from being almost non-existent in grass hay diet to comprising a high percentage of the total diet in a high grain-low fiber ration. Horses do require starch and sugar in their diets in order to recover from exercise. However,      overloading the digestive system with NSC can result in metabolic issues, which may lead to problems such as colic, laminitis (founder), obesity or developmental orthopedic disease.

A major concern today is insulin resistant horses, these horses must be at a low sugar and starch total diet including forage. This will allow to maintain a healthy and appropriate body weight. In addition to the level of carbohydrates, the dietary levels and balance of mineral and essential fatty acid balance both affect insulin resistance and are affected by it. Magnesium, zinc, chromium, and biotin are some of the nutrients that positively affect insulin resistance.


Measuring sugar content of feeds and forages include:

NSC%= starch% + water soluble carbohydrates (WSC)

Products with Lower Starch Levels:

Hubbard Life COOL COMMAND Starch 9.7% WSC 5.3%  NSC 15%


Hueber Triple Star is also available with no corn!