
Hubbard Life Equine Nutrition is more than a feed. It is a comprehensive feed and supplement program formulated to meet the nutritional needs of individual horses by providing unparalleled quality in the form of state-of-the-art specialized formulations.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Horse Management: Are your horses drinking enough water?

It is not often talked about, but the amount of water a horse drinks is very important to ensure animal well-being and performance.  In the hot days of summer our horses need to stay hydrated just like we do!  So, what can you do as a horse owner to ensure that your horses get enough to drink each day?
Getting enough water into your horse is not always easy given that the animal’s water needs can vary greatly according to diet, temperature and amount of exercise.
The main thing to think about is how you are providing water to your horse.  Our modern management of horses is quite a bit different these days from what a horse would do naturally which is to drink from ponds and streams.  Several people use automatic water systems because they are convenient for the horse owner.  But, are they appealing to the horse?  Not really.
Horses have been studied and the scientific literature says that horses prefer to drink out of a bucket rather than an automatic waterer, almost every time.  If you water with a bucket it is critical that you keep the bucket clean, change the water frequently, remove hay and feed that has accumulated and don’t let the bucket run dry.
Kris Hiney, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension equine specialist says that the type of waterer will make a difference.  In a study of horses never exposed to automatic waterers the animals preferred float-valve waterers compared to push valves.  With push-valve waterers, a horse must apply some force from its muzzle against the valve.
Push valve waterers have the effect of somewhat startling the horse because of the noise of water refilling the reservoir.  A larger reservoir does seem to encourage more water consumption.
Remember that horses also drink when they eat, so it is important to offer water right at their food source.  Some horses prefer to dip their hay in water as they are eating it.  This is seen as normal behavior and while it may be messy it seems to help the horses chew their hay.  Presoaking hay can help a horse that is experiencing dental problems.
Horses seem to prefer their water to be cooler than lukewarm temperature when it is hot out as they are trying to regulate their body temperature, which is called thermoregulation.  That means about 50 degrees F is good to shoot for.
Awareness of these simple strategies may help your horses to consume the water they need.  And get out there and enjoy what is left of summer weather!
From everyone at Hueber Feeds have a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend!

Monday, May 11, 2015


Love transformation pictures from our customers... Awesome transformation of this 30 year "young" Appaloosa gelding recently purchased from a great family in July 2014, with weight gain results on Hubbard Feeds! 
July 2014, October 2014 & April 2014

I just wanted to give thanks to your great equine nutrition specialistLaura Marganski! Summer 2014 we bought an experienced senior gelding for cowboy mounted shooting. No papers, but we were told he was around 22. He needed some TLC and weight on him and Laura came out and created nutrition and feed program for him. He has so much energy, looks great and put on much needed weight. Today the equine dentist estimated his age to be 30! With proper care and nutrition I'm confident we can compete on him for several more years! Thanks Laura and Hueber Feeds!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Vitamins: They 'B' 'A' Good Thing

Sometimes we get worried about how to get feed to someone or the right protein or the correct cost but we forget (or never know) why we add some of the ingredients that are listed on the bag.  Let’s find out about the vitamins and their very important function for our animals. 
Vitamins are divided into two groups.  Fat-soluble (meaning that are stored in fat) including A, D, E & K and the water-soluble (which have very little storage in the body) including all the B-complex vitamins.  Although most vitamins are involved in several functions in the body, this blog will focus on their main function.
Vitamins can come from natural and man-made sources.  We will touch on some of the natural sources but almost all of today’s vitamins are synthetically manufactured.  Also, several of the fat-soluble vitamins are reported in “IU” (International Units) instead of “mg” (milligrams).  This is done as an attempt equalize to the amount of an active vitamin added.  Different sources of vitamins will supply more of the active vitamin than others but instead of listing how much volume of a vitamin source you added in term of milligrams or pounds; “IU” will let you know how much of the necessary active vitamin was added to the diet. 
So starting with the fat soluble vitamins, we come to vitamin A. 
  1. Vitamin A (also called retinoic acid as sometimes seen on the tag) can be made from carotene in orange vegtables like squash and carotene and is usually associated with good eyesight.  (Most of you have noticed that Bugs Bunny never had to wear glasses and he is how old now?) 
  2. Vitamin D (D3 is the active form) also called cholecalciferol.  The plant source that is converted by sunlight to this active form is called ergosterol.  Vitamin D is necessary to absorb calcium out of food sources.
  3. Vitamin E is found in lots of green plants and is called tocopherol.  It works hand in hand with selenium and works as an antioxidant to prevent damage to the cells.  The longer the cells live, the longer and healthier the animal (and you) will be.
- See more at: http://hubbardlife.com/blog/Equine.aspx#sthash.A5iLYs6Z.dpuf
4. Vitamin K is the last fat-soluble vitamin also listed sometimes as menadione and is involved in blood clotting.  (Certain rat poisons that contain a chemical called warfarin will tie up the vitamin K and the rat cannot clot its blood so any little cut will cause it to bleed to death.)
With water-soluble vitamins, the list of B-complex vitamins is long.  For the most part, B-complex vitamins are involved in the various metabolic pathways in the body. 
  • Vitamin B1 is called thiamin and is usually involved with the prevention of polio in ruminants.
  • Vitamin B2 is riboflavin and can prevent curly toe paralysis in birds. 
  • Niacin deficiency will result in poor growth and a condition called black tongue in dogs.
  • Pantothenic acid deficiency will cause “goose stepping” in pigs due to a muscle paralysis in the hind quarters.
  • Folic acid is necessary for proper DNA formation (helps prevent birth defects) in cells.
  • A lack of biotin will affect proper hoof growth. 
  • Choline is needed to help with strong nerve transmittion among the nervous system.   
  • B6 (pyridoxine) can influence growth due to its involvement with metabolism.  
  • B12 is the vitamin that uses cobalt and helps prevent anemia and growth problems.
  • And last but not least, vitamin C is considered a B-vitamin for it is not stored in the body for an appreciable amount.   Humans, monkeys and guinea pigs are missing an enzyme to make vitamin C and it has to be supplied.   Most of the other animals we work with can make their own unless the animal is under a major stress.    Vitamin C helps prevent scurvy which is a breakdown of the blood vessels.

There are many other vitamin-like products, precursors and etc. but these are the main ones that we worry about supplying in the feed.  So as you can see, vitamins are part of our everyday living and our every movement.  So make sure to keep your feeds full of them and these underappreciated beasts of nature will work behind the scenes, helping to keep you from “C”ing a problem and your feed from “B”ing a problem. 
All Hubbard Life feeds are fortified with accurate levels of vitamins to make sure your animals get all the nutrients they need to stay healthy!