
Hubbard Life Equine Nutrition is more than a feed. It is a comprehensive feed and supplement program formulated to meet the nutritional needs of individual horses by providing unparalleled quality in the form of state-of-the-art specialized formulations.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Potomac Horse Fever

There has been an outbreak of Potomac horse fever in our area. Potomac horse fever is an infectious non-contagious disease of horses of all ages, breeds and both sexes. This disease is transmitted through ingestion of freshwater snails and/or aquatic insects such as mayflies and dragonflies while grazing or drinking– not horse to horse. Heavy rains causing standing water provide habitat for aquatic insects which increase the chances of the disease. This organism is found in monocytes “which are types of white blood cells” in horses and decreases the white blood cell count. To determine if your horse is infected symptoms include: fever, reduced appetite,diarrhea, laminitis and depression. To confirm that your horse is infected call your vet to take blood tests to measure antibody levels in the blood or fecal examination and culture. Potomac horse fever occurs sporadically on a seasonal basis between May and November and are the strongest during July and August. Horses that test positive with Potomac horse fever can be treated with antibiotics to help fight off the disease with intense mandatory procedures, which include plenty of fluids, proper diet and anti-inflammatory drugs. To prevent Potomac horse fever keep water sources clean, get vaccinated for Potomac horse fever, and know the symptoms. Hope everyone stays healthy and please share this information with friends.

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