
Hubbard Life Equine Nutrition is more than a feed. It is a comprehensive feed and supplement program formulated to meet the nutritional needs of individual horses by providing unparalleled quality in the form of state-of-the-art specialized formulations.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lose that extra Holiday weight

New Years Resolutions usual include getting into better shape and losing a few pounds but many health benefits are associated with horseback riding. Horseback riding is a very enjoyable activity that can keep you incredibly fit. If you just think that horseback riding is merely sitting upon a horse, guess again. You can use every muscle in your body, and not realize that you are exercising! How many hours do you spend in the gym to look and feel your best? Just a couple hours a week in the saddle can keep you looking and feeling your fantastic. After your first riding lesson, you will feel muscles that you didn't even know that you had. And, another perk is that horseback riding is much gentler on the joints.  And, the benefits are not only physical....you are outside in the fresh air, bonding with your horse, one on one....this is also a great way to decrease depression and lower your stress levels. Your stress will magically disappear after a day at the barn. The bond of the horse and rider can solve the most difficult day, as well as increasing your confidence level.


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